Robotic assembly is crucial across many industries, from automotive and aerospace to electronics, medical devices, and even everyday items like furniture and appliances. However, it remains one of the toughest challenges in robot learning due to the combined challenges of accurate perception, multi-modal sensing, affordance reasoning, long-horizon task and motion planning, grasping, contact-rich and dexterous manipulation, physical simulation, sim2real transfer, and generalization over arbitrary objects with complex shapes. Our workshop aims to gather experts to discuss how robot learning can tackle these challenges. Key topics include:
Xiaomeng Xu, Huy Ha, Shuran Song
Murtaza Dalal, Min Liu, Walter Talbott, Chen Chen, Deepak Pathak, Jian Zhang, Russ Salakhutdinov
Lars Lien Ankile, Anthony Simeonov, Idan Shenfeld, Marcel Torne Villasevil, Pulkit Agrawal
Paul Werner Loedige, Maximilian Xiling Li, Rudolf Lioutikov
Bingjie Tang, Iretiayo Akinola, Jie Xu, Bowen Wen, Ankur Handa, Karl Van Wyk, Dieter Fox, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, Fabio Ramos, Yashraj Narang
Krishan Rana, Jad Abou-Chakra, Sourav Garg, Robert Lee, Ian Reid, Niko Suenderhauf
Michael Noseworthy, Bingjie Tang, Bowen Wen, Ankur Handa, Chad Kessens, Nicholas Roy, Dieter Fox, Fabio Ramos, Yashraj Narang, Iretiayo Akinola
Hameed Shaheed Abdul-Rashid, Yangfei Dai, Holly Dinkel, Minh Quang Ta, Tan Chen, Junyi Geng, Tim Bretl
Andrew Goldberg, Kavish Kondap, Tianshuang Qiu, Zehan Ma, Letian Fu, Justin Kerr, Huang Huang, Kaiyuan Chen, Kuan Fang, Ken Goldberg